Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nail Stamping

Hi There!

You know that terrible moment when you've done a beautiful job painting your nails and you're trying to wait patiently until they're fully dry before you start doing anything, but then you get hungry and reach for a snack and accidentally bump your nails and all your hard work is ruined?  Yeah, that happens to me too.  All the time.  So today I was in the stamp isle at Michaels and it dawned on me... what if I dented my nails on purpose and in a pretty way?  I decided to try it out and I got this:

Here's how to do it:

1.  Paint your nails any color you want.

2.  Let them dry for a half hour so that they will be dry but not dent-proof.

3.  Gently press a clean, dry stamp onto the nail on your ring finger (or all of your nails, if you want!).

4.  Paint over all of your nails with a clear top coat.  The one I used on my nails was a matte finish, but a glossy one should work great too.  This top coat will fill in the divots in the nail that you stamped and make it feel smooth again without erasing the impression that the stamp left.

I like this look because it is so subtle that you could get away with wearing it to places where full-blown nail art might not be appropriate (like at work).  What do you think?

Happy stamping!


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