Monday, April 22, 2013

Embroidered Drinks

I may or may not have been feeling a little thirsty when I made my next two cards!

Just like the last two cards I posted about, I used images from my new Doodle Stitching Kit.

I wanted to use the satin stitch to make the red liquid in the martini glass, but I knew that I would end up ripping the card if I made that many holes that close together on the card.  I avoided that problem by outlining the red area with a backstitch, then threading the satin stitch around the backstitched outline instead of through the card itself.

I just used regular old backstitching on the card with the champagne glass.  I wasn't sure how the bubbles would turn out, but I think they ended up looking alright.  I especially like the two little ones inside the champagne, and I sort of wish I had made them all that small.

I need to pick up my stitching pace if I'm going to have enough cards finished by Saturday...  I hope I can do it!  I'm going to get back to work on it right now.



  1. These are fun! I love the bubbly! :)

  2. Those are such cute cards! I love the design. Your friends are going to love them!

  3. Those cards are great! Such fun!
