Monday, December 9, 2013

Link to Love: Speedo Yarn Bomber

Image via The Denver Post

When my friend, Karleen, posted this yarn bombing picture on my Facebook wall, I nearly died laughing.

I love a good yarn bomb, and this one goes above and beyond with the funny factor!

The man behind this amazingness is Kyle Williams, and you can read all about his crochet creation in this Denver Post article.

I think my favorite part of the whole story is that a policeman watched the entire installation process and didn't intervene.  I guess the Denver Police are a-okay with yarn bombing.

Have you seen any other good yarn bombs lately?

Happy reading!


  1. Oh my gosh! This is too good! I love that the police didn't intervene!

    Ladyface Blog

  2. wow that is amazing! probably the best yarn bomb I've ever seen :)

  3. Wow how in the world did he get up there!?! So funny!!!

    - J
