Tuesday, June 24, 2014

DIY Stamped T-Shirt Headband

I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited about my latest craft project, and this headband is only one third of it!

Instead of using one t-shirt to make one DIY project, I realized that I could use one t-shirt to make three DIY projects.  So this is the first installment in the One T-Shirt, Three DIYs miniseries.  Let's do this!

These are the materials you'll need to make this laid back, hand stamped, upcycled t-shirt headband:
1.  An old t-shirt
2.  Scissors
3.  Homemade triangle stamp (click the link for an easy tutorial)
4.  Fabric paint

1.  Find an old t-shirt that you still like (because the second installment of One T-Shirt, Three DIYs will involve making a top that you'll want to wear), but also make sure it's a t-shirt that you don't mind cutting up.  I chose an old Make a Wish shirt because it's an awesome organization and I would happily wear their logo any day of the week.

2.  Cut the bottom hem off of the t-shirt, then cut off another 2 or 3 inches from the bottom of the shirt.  This 2 or 3-inch-wide strip is what you'll be using to make the headband.

3.  Make one vertical cut in that 2 or 3-inch-wide strip so it's no longer a loop, but a nice long blank canvas for stamping.

Remember to save the other two parts of the shirt for later!

4.  Stamp that fabric!  I tried to make 3 horizontal rows of triangles that were all about an inch apart.  I made most of them pink with the occasional yellow one thrown in to add a little character.  Feel free to get creative with your stamping.  Once you've stamped one whole side of the fabric, wait for the paint to dry, then flip it over and stamp the other side.  When stamping the other side, try to stamp the same places that you did on the first side; that way it won't matter if the paint bleeds through the fabric.

That's it!  As soon as the paint is dry on both sides, the headband is ready to wear.  Simply wrap it around your head and tie it in a bow at the nape of your neck.

If you're going to take pictures in your new headband, you might want to consider brushing your hair first.  I clearly didn't!  (Oops.)

But who has time for that when there's so much summer sunshine to be soaking in?

Happy stamping!

P.S.  Don't forget to come back for parts two and three of the One T-Shirt, Three DIYs miniseries!


  1. This is such a cute idea! I love the little orange accents on yours :)

    Lauren | http://www.livelovelauren.com

  2. I'm not very crafty, but this looks pretty easy for even me! I love a good headband :)

    Daydream Frenzy

  3. cute! love the triangle patttern and contrast colors, can't wait to see the other DIYS
